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sell-off of enterprise’s assets
廉价销售企业资产  detail>>
sell-off of enterprise‘s a et
廉价销售企业资产  detail>>
sell off, to; sell out, to
售出  detail>>
sell off
变现 处理存货 大卖股票 低价处理库存商品 廉价出清(存货) 抛售;沽盘  detail>>
 n.  廉价抛售;出清存货。  detail>>
eam enterprise assets management
企业资源管理  detail>>
enterprise total assets evaluation
整体企业资产评估  detail>>
total assets of enterprise
整体企业资产  detail>>
auction off or sell the objects
拍卖或变卖标的物  detail>>
sell off date
处理存货日期  detail>>
sell sth off
廉价出售, 销完, 卖光, 寄  detail>>
sell sth off cheap
廉价卖出某物  detail>>
sell-off date
处理日期  detail>>
sell off all the property in possession
廉价卖掉所有的财产  detail>>
sell off goods at reduced prices
甩卖  detail>>
peel off assets of a company
资产剥离  detail>>
peel off assets
资产剥离  detail>>
stribad assets off
剥离不良资产  detail>>